Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's been a long day

We got a piano today!!! Precious loves it. Tre' tapped a little but, no where near as much as she did. I have been having problems with my online classes. The stuff in one of them does not load right so I can't access my work. Yeah, I want to do my homework!! Also today Preston got some more of his school books in. He was excited! I decided to do the "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons " with him. So far he loves it. We are on day three...Because of his minor pronunciation issues, I have decided to also use Abeka along side that for him.

So curriculum this year for Preston "PJ" is:
Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons
Abeka phonics complete
Abeka numbers complete
Apologia Science - Zoology 3 land animals of the sixth day
Mystery of history
I kind of came up with my own health curriculum for him
as always we will utilize our local library for reading.

This week's selection is actually one that we have on inter library loan. It is "A Child's Introduction to Poetry" author is Michael Driscoll illustrated by Meredith Hamilton. It comes with a cd so they are not just listening to mom read, so that's a change. Its longer than I thought it would be though. I think I see a amazon purchase in the immediate future so we can delve into it a little bit more. Tre' has been enjoying it as much as Patience and PJ have. Well the house is quiet and I have to study.

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